Author, to be, or not to be

by Emma

My first erotic story will be published on on Tuesday. I admit, I am a little excited, and somehow daunted to be publicly displaying my writing. It is something I have always struggled with. I have written in private for as long as I remember.

I decided to create this blog in November 2014 and felt slightly nervous at writing in public, yet I did it. I found solace and enlightenment in my own words and the inspiration of others. I realised that my apprehension was purely led by my own perception and my own uncertainty in my writing. I did not want to be judged or ridiculed. Yet I honestly believe structured criticism is fundamental in self development. And personal growth. I simply write as enjoyment. I breathe every word I pen. I certainly never imagined becoming an erotic author. Yet here I am.

I do not fear my words, I do not fear resistance, my fear is purely internal. I do not use my name on my blog, other than my Christian name ‘Emma’. My Web address is not linked to who or what I am.

I think that, as the earth moves and evolves, as should we.

I am now fully ready to embrace this journey.

The mind of a deep thinker…or complete rubbish…it is all down to interpretation and perception…