Mindful Clarity

by Emma

Today I am working from a different location. Not unusual for me, but today I am feeling mindful. I sit in my hamster cage office today, and I ponder. I feel cosy in this unfamiliar place, I feel quietly optimistic and thoughtful.

It is strange how a small change to our day can provoke the ability to ‘be’ in the moment. Usually, I drive to work, see the same people, and get lost in the normality and usual scope of my working day. A small difference really does offer a certain clarity.

I have been soul searching a little recently. I am fortunate to have been offered a few choices in my career development, and this has caused internal analysis to commence.

I constantly analyse anyhow. I am pretty damn sure that I drive my significant other crazy at times, however it is the make up of my genes. We all need a justified excuse!

For the first time in my life, everything feels good. I cannot ponder on negatives, as there really aren’t any. This simply makes me analyse more. I am my own worst enemy…and critic.

So today, I will sit in my office space, and I will allow myself to positively wallow in my blessings. There are too many moments wasted in negativity.

Today I will glow ☆

Happy Thursday guys!

The mind of a deep thinker…or complete rubbish…it is all down to interpretation and perception…