Osteogenesis Imperfecta- Cushioned In Love

Expressive and Emotional word content… poetic justice… my thoughts are perceptive, occasionally subjective but always dimensional. My career lies in psychology and my mind lies in philosophy. To question and ponder is to reflect. I am both reflective and directive. I never walk with caution as our steps need their footprints. I love this journey we call life.

Who I am and who she is

I am a control freak. I freely admit it. I like to see things done and who better to ensure this, than yourself. However it gets exhausting. I can categorically label myself as a ‘doer’. I genuinely care about others and I constantly chase the buzz moments. I guess I am one of those people who remain motivated to organise, to plan, and to simply be. I need a change.

Sometimes it gets mentally exhausting relying on yourself only. Life is never spontaneous as your subconscious always knows what is next. I admit I am impulsive and love stimulation, but most of my family and friends simply expect this now. I often wonder what role reversal would be like.

I guess I am who I am. We all complete our own persona. I will always be the one to push things that little bit further. Sometimes I guess I would like to be amazed. Sometimes I would like to be a simple passenger.

This got me further pondering. I relate back to one of my previous posts Is the grass greener or full of cow pat?, Is it our own dissatisfaction or perception that leads to deeper thought?

I love my life. I finally feel settled and like who I have become, yet I still doubt sometimes. I doubt myself, mistrust my judgements, and ponder on my instinct. Yet I still have to fit the leadership role. I remain the person who is expected to be in control. It can be tiresome. Inside there lays that vulnerable little girl from yesteryear who still questions and seeks clarity.

She still looks up hopefully, pursing her lips and raising her eyebrows.


The mind of a deep thinker…or complete rubbish…it is all down to interpretation and perception…

Murder by Power point

As I watch the screen, I cannot help having my attention diverted by the lonely fly attempting an escape at the closed window. I feel empathy. I understand it’s frustration. I am honestly trying to concentrate. I blink repetitively to refocus my mind.

It is not working.

I can almost hear it’s crystallised wings battling against the dampness of the room. I can hear it’s thoughts ‘Let me out’.

I zone out. I actually zone further out of the zone I had found myself in. Every body’s face reflects my pain. The trainer drones on. I don’t think he realises that his voice is creating a sleepy lullaby, lulling me off.

The words appear to melt into each other. Their meanings becoming illegible. I cannot get my mojo back. It has gone. Flapping at the window, becoming the shadow of the fly.

I sigh and let my mind wander.

I am incapable of concentration today.

The mind of a deep thinker…or complete rubbish…it is all down to interpretation and perception…

Woohoo for Wednesday

Wednesday raised its arms and shouted for attention. It needed recognition. It needed appreciation.

Let’s embrace it 🙂


The mind of a deep thinker…or complete rubbish…it is all down to interpretation and perception…